Board Meetings

Skyview North Homeowners Association is managed by a board of up to 9 volunteers that are devoted to making sure the HOA runs smoothly, preserving the neighborhood park, and creating an enhanced sense of community through social events, volunteer opportunities, and clear, concise communication methods.

The board of directors includes four primary officer positions: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Secondary Officers may be created and assigned by the board as needed, and include Member Communications, Park Maintenance, Statutory Compliance, Realtor Contact, Assessments, and Technology Officer.  

Any homeowner can sit on the board, and you don’t have to be a homeowner or on the board to volunteer! We are always looking for help with everything from accounting to event planning to park maintenance to newsletter submissions and basic office work. Do you have a unique skill and some time to volunteer? Or just want to help out wherever we need you? Let us know below! We will add you to our volunteer contact list.

“I enjoy serving on the board because I get to meet all of my neighbors, and keep up with what is happening in the neighborhood, our beautiful park, and the greater community.” -- Communications Officer

"I feel lucky to live in Skyview and be part of a diverse community. It is a great neighborhood and I enjoy our park. All these things motivate me to help preserve, protect, and improve our community." -- Board Member

If you can’t be present at an HOA meeting where a general vote will take place, you can give your proxy to someone who can attend. These must be downloaded and submitted the day before an HOA Meeting.

To view and/or download HOA documents, including proxy forms, Board meeting agendas and minutes, please navigate to the Documents page.

To join Zoom for HOA Meetings: click HERE.

2025 Meetings

  • January 8 - Directors Meeting

  • March 12 - Directors Meeting

  • May 14 - Directors Meeting

  • July 9 - Directors Meeting

  • September 13 - Annual Member Meeting

  • November 12 - Directors Meeting

All meetings, except the September 13th Annual Meeting, will be held at 7:00pm at All Star Cleaning: 120 W Saturn Dr Suite B, Fort Collins, CO 80525.

What does the HOA do for me?

The mission of the Skyview HOA is to ensure the proper management of the neighborhood park, including holding liability insurance, as required by law. The HOA also hosts social events for the neighborhood to attend. We hope to see you there!